The Kajabiverse

Quiz Funnels with Laurie Wright

Season 1 Episode 7

List growth is such a huge part of your online business and it can be tricky coming up with a lead magnet, or "freebie", that is considered valuable enough by your audience that they're willing to give up their email address. Quizzes spark that curiosity in people and if positioned and built correctly can provide real value, not only to the person taking the quiz but also to the person creating it. In this episode, I chat with Laurie Wright about all the different ways she uses a quiz in her business. 

Highlights from this episode:

🎙️ Looking at quiz personas as phases of a Success Path

🎙️ Weaving your quiz personas into your Launch

🎙️ $1 Leads! 😲

🎙️ How Laurie achieves a 9x ROI on her Quiz Ad Spend 

Links mentioned in this episode:

Not Your Average Grandma

Laurie's Emptynester Quiz

Laurie's Podcast

About the Host:

Hello! I’m Meg Burrage, a Kajabi Coach and Launch Strategist who combines her love of all things Kajabi and Digital Marketing, with family and adventure.

Aussie mum to 3 young kids, married to a grumpy Dutchman, and living currently on Anguilla in the Caribbean, I leap out of bed every morning to help others achieve the online success, freedom and flexibility that I am so grateful to have in my own life.

In this podcast, we look deep beneath the surface at how some of the most successful Kajabi Heroes, the superheroes if you will, are generating 6 & 7 figures annually and how their strategies can be applied within your online business.

Oh….and if you’d like help in building out any of the funnels and strategies we discuss, be sure to check out our long list of Kajabi funnel services here!

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Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! New episodes are released monthly and we'd love for you to share it with others who you think might benefit.

You are listening to the Kajabi Verse podcast and today's episode is all about using quiz funnels as a strategy for list growth. Now quizzes are a fantastic way to segment your audience, deliver value and move low cost leads along the buyer journey to your paid programs. They're working virtually every online business. They're quick to set up. And joining us in today's episode to tell us all about how she uses quizzes in her online business is the incredible Laurie Wright from not your average grandma.

Well, hello Laurie and a very warm welcome to the Kajabi verse podcast. I'm very excited to have you here with us. I'm very excited to be here. I'm so excited you're doing this podcast. It's gonna be great. I love Kajabi. That's it. I mean, people like us are completely addicted to the Kajabi platform and I thought, why not create a podcast on the whole topic of Kajabi?

But today we are diving into a strategy that is very close to your heart, which is quiz funnels. Yes, I love quizzes. They're the best. They changed my business. Oh well now before we get into it, maybe you know, before I start going into all the nitty gritty details of quiz funnels and why they're wonderful, perhaps you could give us just a couple of minutes background on who you are,

your business and who it is that you help. Sure. So I am not your average grandma online and I'm not afraid to share my age. I'm 63 cause I think that helps with context for people who are older who think they can't do with new things when they get older. And I'm really somebody who spent her entire life doing the corporate job and I just got older and my fifties and I just wasn't fulfilled.

My kids left. That was a big thing. The nest emptied and I didn't know what to do. Felt like my purpose was over. I worked full-time but yet I felt like my kids were my purpose because you know, I raised them. They're amazing human beings and I just needed more humans to mentor I guess. But I didn't know that. I just had to figure it out.

And so I went through the process. I never, because I was always so busy in my corporate job, I never really looked and did work on who I really was internally, what my values were, what my goals and dreams were. Personally, I had work goals cuz I was a project manager so I was all about what's our team goal, but I didn't have any personal goals and so I thought,

what do I want? Do I wanna create something? So I ended up finding a podcast and I think about the world we live in today didn't exist when I was younger. And so there's so much opportunity for people to just start googling and Searchie for things that interest them and that's where you need to start. And so I just started to do personal development and start to read books.

I was, I've always a Oprah fan, like loved her shows because I would learn stuff. I remember she did a webinar with Eckert Tole way back before webinars existed on his book, the A New Earth he wrote Power of Now and it, it was like life-changing, literally I was going through a divorce so I just started growing internally and then I fell into the world of network marketing,

which is personal development on steroids, right? I was a health and fitness company, Beachbody and I became a health and fitness coach. I didn't have to do anything but sign up to be a coach. So, and then through working out I got in shape and I helped people, I mentored people. So it was like the gift of first of all,

well wanting to be healthier and then being curious about, oh I like this, I can help other people. It started to fill this void that this empty nest had created. And then I did that for like four years and I finally was like, I wanna help people like mentally, like not just physically but like internally the, cuz people would lose weight and then they'd,

they'd go back to what the way they were. They didn't really switch their identity, which we're gonna get to when we talk about quizzes, but our behavior, it's roots are identity and how we show up in the world. And so I started to see like there's more going on here and I wanna learn more. So I became a coach. I created my own program.

That's a long-winded way of saying I help people who are passionless, empty nesters really who are looking for something new to light them up in their second half. And so I created a program called the Second Half Spark School. And so that's what I do. I help people who want more outta life. The core of it is that I don't want people to get to the end of their life with what if I don't want any what ifs.

As they're laying there thinking about their life and what they accomplished or what they didn't accomplish, I want their didn't accomplished list to be like zero. You know? And if they didn't do it, they tried, but it just wasn't the right fit, right? Because I think we gotta try a lot of things. We have to try a lot of things to figure out.

It's just the taking action that we need to start to begin to do that. A lot of people are just kind of sitting in fear or inaction or afraid of judgment and they just don't take the action they need to take. That's so great. And I mean a lot of the students in my own program are well into their sixties. You know, there's really no age limit on creating and launching your online program.

And people come with so, so much experience in you know, whatever it was that they were doing in their former life that they can bring into their online business in that second half where they get that second half spark. Yeah. Because a lot of people that I talk to are not excited. They feel guilty because they want more, but they wake up feeling like they wanna hit the snooze button a lot.

And then we'll get into the quiz because I have these identities nailed because I lived them. What we can do if we're in this space where we're helping people, we're coaching or we have a program, we have to know who we're helping and the best way to know them. And a lot of people, it's what they've learned, the wisdom, our lived wisdom.

And the advantage I have of being 63 is I have a lot of lived experiences and so I just wanna help people and and still in them that it's never too late. And I I people in my program, I have people that are in their late seventies in my program. Oh amazing. And they're getting re-sparked. Why not? Because we don't know how long we have and we can live for a long time now Why is it,

if you had to say in a nutshell why you're such a fan of using quizzes in your business? Okay, so there's really a couple of reason. The number one reason is because it's hard to find the right people. And people sometimes who they wanna help is broad and they have a hard time nicheing down because they're afraid they'll lose people. But the more that you target the exact person you want,

the more the message resonates. And so they're like, oh my gosh, she gets me. And so you can do a free PDF and that somebody can download, but it's probably gonna be more general in nature and it might help them in some way. A quiz, first of all, people wanna learn about themselves so you can do how to PDFs all day long and they'll learn something about how to,

but when they learn something about themselves that that is really powerful. And you know your client better than they know themselves and you know their struggles. And like I said, most often you've gone through them. And so I like quizzes but I like a specific kind of quiz and I call it an identity quiz. So you create personas and people think they have one avatar,

but you really have different avatars. People that you're helping are in different places in their transformation. Some haven't even started it, some have started, they have an inkling of something's wrong, some have gone through it but failed and met the wrong person to help them or got scared or got sidetracked in some way. So there are different identities that can help.

They're just at different levels. And so you create a quiz that the answer that they get, the result that they get by taking the quiz is a persona. And so if examples help, so I have a quiz on fulfillment because that's what I do is I help people find their spark in their second half, which is fulfillment. They're passionless, they wanna find passion and fulfillment.

So I created, essentially, I started out calling it a midlife fulfillment quiz, but I got a reaction of a lot of people like I'm past midlife. So in some cases they didn't think it applied to them. So I'm like, what other word is, well they're second half, right? So I am like empty nester cause really who I help help.

And it's not that I don't help empty nesters, but the empty nesters, they really understand the feelings that they have where the passion is gone, they felt they had a purpose and now it's gone. And somebody who's not an empty nester can benefit from my program, but the messaging that I speak to, it will resonate most. It will touch and get people paying attention who are their children are gone now.

So I've created this persona of different identities that people are as empty nesters. So as an example, there's a busy doer and she spends her whole life. Yes. Yeah. You, you took the quiz make, raise your hand. Yes. She took the quiz in preparing for this and she came out as a busy doer. But a busy doer is somebody who spends their entire life.

They thrive, they're type A and they thrive on being busy and actually getting busy. Lights them up, but they mistake busyness for and then ultimately they're not fulfilled at the end of the day when they're not busy, they're seeking, they're like, what's wrong? Something's wrong. And I say that people are guilty for wanting more. I've had people say my life is actually good or it's my life is actually okay,

I, you know, I should be okay with it. And it's like, no, no, it should be fantastic. It should be fabulous. Because when you operate from that identity, you are like a magnet to other people, to opportunities. And when you're operating from an okay identity, you repel people, it's worse when you're negative mindset really repels people.

But when you're okay, you're not that magnetic, you, you're, you're just not. And it's because something's missing and that is energy that you're putting out there, whether you know it or not, it all starts with awareness. So you take this quiz, you're like, oh my gosh, I'm a busy doer. And then in the results that they get you,

you kind of say the busy doer does this and the busy doer, you know, you may have felt this, you know, you use soft words like you may or you probably and and then at the end of the quiz you're like, but what you just need to do and the busy doer needs to stop being so busy, the busy doer needs to sit in silence more.

The busy doer needs to sit with her thoughts more. So what happened to me is that when I would do that, I would get very uncomfortable because my intuition told me I shouldn't be doing what I was doing. My intuition told me that I should leave my marriage. Oh my God, I can't do that. I've been married for 25 years. Well what happened to my family?

What? What happened at Christmas? And all that kind of stuff. So I could be busy, busy, busy like under the rug, shove everything, all those feelings under the rug, share all those desires for something better under the rug. And so then you just live in this state. And that's high stress state too when you're really busy like that.

So when you are very uncomfortable just sitting with your thoughts, then you're not listening to your intuition, you're not listening to your heart. So that's the busy doer for example. And answer to your question about why I like quizzes is number one, it brings you the right people because they really connect to the identity and the identities are built on who you're helping.

So you really get to know your audience, you get to know your ideal client. So I love that. And then it's transformative. You're really helping people by giving them this awareness. It's a first aha moment of oh my gosh, you know this quiz, it's all based on what you know, what you've learned. And if you have a business and you're selling a program and you're transforming lives,

you know these identities. So it's not made up gobbledygook. It's real stuff. It's real stuff. And so it's funny because I did my quiz and I ran it for a while, but I always felt like there was an identity missing. And so the other thing is quizzes can always be changed. You can always add something, change the questions and there's quiz applications,

which we might get to. But I delayed on doing a quiz. I wanted to do one for a long time, but I delayed cuz I thought, oh, it's too complicated. I don't know how to figure out like the right, like how does that all work? Well the quiz is so easy it, it has an algorithm built in that figures it all out.

But anyways, so another of mine that I added later is an overwhelmed wininger. So it helps to have an adjective and a noun. So you call them something and then they start identifying with that name, right? So all these identities have certain behaviors. So the busy doer is always busy, has her to-do list slammed and the overwhelmed wininger avoids planning.

She, she just wings it all the time. But then she's overwhelmed. And so the overwhelmed wininger is always saying, oh, I'm so disorganized. Well you're disorganized. So there's probably something rooted in an overwhelmed wininger that is like she's against planning for some reason. That's a possibility. She's, for some reason she had somebody planned a lot in her life or forced her to maybe plan and she resisted it.

And there's actually personality types because I, I was mentored by a personality typing expert and it's just fascinating work for me. And there's a personality type that is actually a wininger, that's their nature is to wing it. But there's some things that you need structure for. And so just having a little structure is helpful because that's what goals are. You gotta write down your goals and just wingers just wing it.

There's flying by the seat of their pants every day. So I added this overwhelmed whinger and the quiz results. I think that is the number one answer really. Yeah. So adding it was super important because it's more relatable. Yeah, to who my people are. So it's really fun to too, cuz you can look, look at your quiz results and see where are the majority people landing,

what are the test results? You end up coming up with about five or six identities, but you always have the worst case scenario and the transformed identity. So the worst case scenario is basically somebody who's so stocked, they're probably not even gonna take your quiz. But anyways, so I have a scared settler, she's too scared to take action, right?

She's just settling for the life she doesn't want. I was her too. So I moved through these different identities. I think Stu McLaren who does TRIBE, he calls it succession path. So as they're going through the phases, they're succeeding in each step. So it's kind of the similar thing. So she takes the quiz, you congratulate her for taking action on something cuz she's so stuck in inaction.

And then the future-pace hero as I call it, the future-pace hero is the transformed person. So that's the person that once they take whatever your offer is, once they go through your program or join your membership and you help them, they become this new identity that has the behaviors, takes the actions that has the life they want, right? So mine is sparked soul.

So and and my program is sparked second half soul. So we call ourselves sparked second half souls and my launch consists of a free training of a series of workshops I do and I embed the quiz in that. And so that's another thing about quizzes is you can use them in your launches and you should use 'em in your launches to speak to identities. I just have to give a shout out to my coach James Webmore cuz he's great.

He's literally changed my life. But he uses roles and his launch. And so when I started to do quizzes and I had the idea of these identities, I was like, oh my gosh, James does that. He's about entrepreneurs. So he has like, what kind of an entrepreneur are you? And he has the disgruntled employee, the working for free,

the overpaid intern or underpaid intern. He has these things. And so I was like, oh my gosh, I got the whole framework on identities from actually Mel Abraham, he used to teach a program called Thought Preneur Academy and he's all about frameworks, like showing diagrams and pictures, speaking in pictures, not just bullets of words. So he had this identity ladder and so I was like,

oh my gosh, yes, in some cases it's an evolution in some cases. Like I have a couple of identities, I'm kind of in the same place in the evolution. But yeah, you always wanna have this future-pace hero. Usually people who take my quiz, they're not a spark soul because a spark soul wouldn't wanna take a quiz about how fulfilled they are because they're fulfilled.

So I'll get a few onesie choosy of them, but they're really not who the quizzes it's ideally for. And then the other great thing about quizzes too is when you run an ad, first of all the ads are cheap because like I said, everybody wants to take a quiz, everybody wants to learn about about themself, they wanna take a personality kind of type of quiz.

I think you, with yours especially, you know, if you've positioned the quiz in such a way that it's going to give people a helpful result, you know back in the day when quizzes first came onto the market and it was like, which celebrity persona are you most like, you know, people would hand over their details just to find out, you know,

curiosity was enough to get them. But nowadays it's increasingly difficult to get people's details. So quizzes that are positioned in such a way that you're going to actually get something helpful at the end are very effective. Yeah, And really do you wanna do a quiz that is totally off topic of what you're gonna do just to get an email address and you wanna build a quality email list?

But the reason why I say change my business is because I always struggled with lead magnets trying to come up with the right one, getting people to convert that you get people on your list and they just wanted the freebie, they didn't really want to engage really in any way. So you want to give value, right? So these quizzes, people feel like you really helped them and so they wanna stay on your list.

So you really build high quality people on your list. And so, you know, I really love that. And so the the really low quality ads that people will click through and then take. So if you are really in the business to help people before you actually take their money, you know you have to do that, you have to do this in this business,

you have to help people give value before they know, like, and trust you. So yeah, so it's very key in the bottom of the funnel strategy for me. What I tell people is it can get really complicated on the back end. You can have this funnel that is so comprehensive but that can be built out over time. So that's what I say.

I always encourage people to start simple. Just get your frigging quiz out there. And also I have somebody right now and she just went through a launch and she didn't have her quiz ready yet, but she has her identities and she has all the descriptions. She learned a lot about her ideal client in this process. So you can just use your identities in your launch.

It should be the first training where you're talking about these are the identities your training should set up, okay, offering them something that leads to something you're selling that's gonna offer a transformation. So you wanna talk about the workshop should be something about teaching them something, but it's gonna touch on why they need this, who they are and what they'll have and that kind of thing.

What the behaviors are of the person that will have this transformation ultimately. So in that launch, one of the best first things to do is to talk about the identities. Like I've noticed these different types of people you might resonate with with one of them and blah blah blah blah. So you talk about these different roles and then you ask people to just self-identify after hearing that,

which one do you think you are? Then they see that other one they see cuz you talk about it, you talk about the transformed one. And so I find sparked souls are people who are super passionate about life and they're doing what they love, they follow their heart and da da da. So people are like, oh I wanna be like that.

So then they wanna come back to the next training and learn more because their goal is to get closer to that transformed person, which your training ultimately doesn't help them with. But the pitch at the end tells them the program that will get them there, right? So it's kind of this whole like really the best way to get people to self-identify as needing you and what you have to offer them.

But then once you have your quiz up and running so you can have the just the results, no call to action at the end of the results. It's as simple as that. And I would say start there because building out a funnel can take a lot of time, a lot of resources and it's good to test your quiz like, so how is this resonating?

You know, what are the metrics, what are the results? Is everybody getting spark soul? Well I need to change my questions so I can attract more people who aren't spark souls cuz they don't want my help or need my help. So yes, it's good to test your quiz. So you, you have an option of having a call to action on your results.

So then what I've done before is as I'm leading up to my launch, I'll have a, the quiz as an ad and then I'll have a little paragraph on, well, by taking this quiz and learning about yourself, you now have some awareness and the best next step for you may be to take this free training that I have that's coming up. So if you're interested,

click here. So it's my whole opt-in for my wait list, for my program, for my, for my workshop. One thing we've done in the past, I would say six to eight months is we started segmenting our mailing list. Our open rates are higher, the click through rates on like my monthly, cuz I do, I do like five favorite things and they're totally unrelated to my business.

But I was like, oh I bought this for my grandson for his birthday and he loved it. So they're like links to Amazon, they're links to like a shirt I got at Costco or you know, they're just stuff that I enjoy and I figure my audience will enjoy the monthly newsletter still requires some effort on my part, but I always get people like replying to them and that's a sign that they are enjoying it,

that they're opening it, that they're reading it and they're getting something from it. So, and you're always gonna get unsubscribes. Yeah, that's right. So in between your launches, how do you use the quiz to sort of generate some revenue in your business? So I just started a new funnel. I really haven't been using it to generate revenue. Well I will say I did have some really low,

like they call 'em baby offers. Like I have an audio bundle, like meditation stuff and I think that that was like $7 or something essentially pays for your ads, right? So and that's really what you wanna think about with a quiz. It's not, I don't, it doesn't need to be a big income generator short term. The quiz itself isn't necessarily gonna produce the revenue,

but the fact that they're on your list and they're paying attention to you now and you're emailing them, that's where the revenue opportunity becomes. So, you know, I, as an example, I ran some numbers on this nine month period where I was running, my quiz had a launch in that time I nine axed my ad revenue as an example. So of the people who took the quiz,

now there's a lot of people who took the quiz that didn't come into my launch. But if you're looking at that population that took the quiz, I spent over that period $2,600 in nine months on my quiz that turned into $28,000 or something like that. Wow. It was nine x of revenue. That's an incredible return. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And just for context,

my program is a 9 97 program. Okay. I also have, I don't even know at the time if I had this, but I also have a, so I have a six week version and a 12 week version and the 12 week is 1497. But I don't think I had that offer back when I did those numbers and crunch those numbers. But I believe that it's key in my launch,

which is hard to quantify. Like people, they're identifying with the roles as I'm going through the content in my launch and when I say launch I'm talking about my free workshop period. I talk about that. So I usually turn it off right before I start my launch because I'm running other ads and then like I said, I use it in my launch.

And when you are running the ads to the quiz, what's your daily ad spend usually? Yeah, so we usually do like $10 a day. So if you think about it, $300, How many leads would you get for $300? How many people actually end up on your list for that? Yeah, don't have those numbers but, well you can figure out they're about a dollar a day.

So I, you know, I get like 10 people. Yeah. I get like 10 people a day. If I up it, I get 20 people a day. I think we started to see, cuz Facebook advertising started getting more expensive. So I was like under 50 cents, like initially when I started doing a quiz. Yeah. And then more recently I think we were running around like a dollar,

sometimes a dollar 25 ish. But I checked with him right before we were doing this and he said that it was running about 98 cents last time. Like overall average was 98 cents. That's incredible, Laurie. Yeah, if you know your list is high quality, you know the people will be coming into your launch. Maybe you wanna spend $20 a day, once you get confident that it's really,

you know, working and doing what it needs to do for you, what we're doing right now is we are creating an evergreen that's a little more expensive to see what happens. So I created a and like I said, this is full blown, more complicated funnel. It's taken a good amount of time. I have somebody who helps me in my business.

I have two people actually, but he kind of does the tech and he does the ads for me. He's kind of a, a jack of all trades. So he's great. So the person's going through the quiz, the call to action is a free workshop from stuck to sparked A recorded workshop, A recorded workshop using easy webinar. So basically the way that works where people don't know it's a webinar software and people can take the webinar right away,

they can sign up for a future time. But it's also like, it's, it's really good for people who are busy doers and they don't have a lot of time and they're like, now I want it now it's an hour long. And at the end they get a pitch for a workshop that I have that I actually sell as a bonus when I sell my program.

And it's a got a 1 97 price point. So they're getting it and they get three days to decide after the webinar for a 47 we're doing this offer. They, so they're really primed, right? They've taken the quiz, they've identified as an somebody who needs this, then they've gotten value by going through this from stuck to sparked where I've taught them the three reasons why people stay stuck.

And then I tell them that there is one way to get unstuck and then that's what my workshop does to help them through that process. So I think it sets them up well for the workshop. We're eager to see how it does, we're starting the ads tomorrow. I like the flow of that. Cause I always feel like it's quite a big jump from someone just learns about you on a Facebook ad,

they take the quiz and then you try and sell them something. And I do think like a, a recorded webinar is a great stepping stone to some kind of low ticket offer. Yeah. So I think I did it in the format by which, and I would say anybody who, what I learned through this process too is I had fallen into the how to and the training kind of trap that we often fall into.

You always have to be a marketer, you have to think like a marketer. So we straddle this line between marketeer and trainer, right? And so sometimes we're guilty of staying in the trainer role and we're not thinking about what they're thinking and going through while they're going through this training. So I do a lot of workshops for my students and so I went back through some of James content of his webinars and I'm like,

oh my gosh, I am like, I'm, I'm missing a lot of persuasive copy, I'm doing a lot of just information delivering. And there's just a way that including just how you have the inflection in your voice, how certain words that are key that you want them to like really get, like you accent those words. There's just little things that you can do in your presentation and you just run through it a couple times,

get good at it. It took me, I swear like eight hours I did the workshop, I recorded it, I edited it myself. I didn't turn it over to anybody because I felt like I, it was hard to explain what I was looking for. But what I did is instead of going running right through it, I did a page and then I'd redo the page like three times.

Like, and so, so I'd like, yeah, so I went back and edited, but I will say that my guy came back and he said, I think it's the best webinar you've ever done. And I was like, oh yay. But there's always room for improvement, right? I do that too, but I'd, I'd be half pressed to make it through a page.

Laurie I'd, I'd generally do like a couple of paragraphs at a time and you know, record it or practice it three times and then hit record. Yeah, Yeah, yeah. And I think there are so many ways that a quiz funnel can be set up in people's businesses. I mean you've gone for that. Oh yeah. Identity, personality type,

but they could be just scoring right, wrong type quizzes. Yeah. And for service based businesses where people are like, I need help, but I don't know what kind of help, you know, it's a great way to sort of channel people into the right services that you provide. So there's so many different ways I think that a quiz can be implemented in your business.

Are there any businesses out there where you're like, I would not use a quiz in that instance? Yeah, I don't know. I mean we're, if you're in the business of helping people with some kind of conversion transformation and most of the people in our world are are like that, they're an entrepreneur isn't making enough money, they're a photographer who isn't earning enough,

getting enough clients, whatever the case may be, they want something they don't have and the transformation is having that thing that they want. So they don't have the dreams, they don't have the dream life they want. Well they're all these reasons that you can use it. Yeah. And what you are saying about there's different kinds of quizzes. Yes, you could actually do a quiz,

a really simple quiz that's your struggling identity and your, your transformed identity. And it's like, yes, don't, no questions. So it's like in either or you are or you're not. And then you have those. And so maybe that's a starting point for you that makes it really simple and then you then add the other identities in the middle. But yeah,

I didn't think about that, but that's so true that you can do that. So I, yeah, I don't think I can think of in this space anything that wouldn't really apply. And I think it can apply to memberships, it can apply to course creators, coaches because as a coach you should really have an ideal client. You shouldn't like be open to help everybody.

You could almost use it as your application form if you are a coach, you know, if someone who's offering one-on-one coaching packages, take this quiz, a k a application and let's work out whether or not I'm the right coach for you. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah, you could do that. Definitely. Well, thank you very much, Laurie, for coming in and just showing us behind the scenes of how you're using quizzes in your online business.

Before I let you go, if somebody would like to go and perhaps take your quiz or learn more about the second half spark, is there somewhere I should send them? Yes, we have a link that I'm happy to share, but it's not your average nester. I will put it in the show notes for sure. That's a nice easy one to remember,

guys, not your average nester. And you can go over and connect with Laurie and take her quiz for a bit of a test run and see You aur. Yeah, we didn't say what all the identities were, so see What you are. We'll, we'll see if you end up as a busy doer like me, or perhaps you've already got your spa,

you're good to go and then you'll be able to, yeah, be able to follow Laurie's funnel all the way down and see which email sequence you end up. Oh yeah. Thank you Laurie. It was an absolute pleasure talking to you and best of luck with your next launch and all these things that you're putting in place with your brand new quiz funnel.

Thanks. Thanks. Yeah, we're excited. So thanks for having me. I enjoyed it so much. And do a quiz, everybody do a quiz, they're amazing. Do a quiz. Don't be afraid. You've convinced me you got me over the line. I'm off right now. Thanks Laurie. Well there you have it guys. I hope you've enjoyed our podcast episode on Quiz Funnels as a low-cost strategy to quality list growth.

If you'd like to learn more about the wonderful Laurie Wright, you'll find a link through to her quiz and also the second half Sparks full in the show notes below. And if you'd like to learn the step-by-step that building out your own quiz funnel over on the Kajabi platform, be sure to head on over to Meg Burrage dot com slash funnel club to join us on the next live masterclass.